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But motivation seems to be fleeting at the worst times...

The World is Yours For the Taking

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You’ve attended counseling sessions, bought self help books, implemented all the strategies and ultimately feel like nothing really changed?
  • You’re waiting until you feel like you’ve mastered motivation to start the rest of your life.
  • You’re tired of asking yourself “why can’t I just do it?!” and feel guilty asking for help.  
  • You’re not sure where everyone else gets the time and energy to do all the things.
  • You don’t feel motivated to research motivation anymore
  • Most of all, you’re sick of people, courses, blogs, etc telling you to ‘set clear goals’, ‘make a list’, ‘set a deadline’, ‘make a calendar alert’, and ‘be healthy’ as if you haven't tried it already.

You can break free of this daily grind!  I want to help.

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6 week program for CHRONIC ANXIETY SUFFERERS to overcome mental blocks using BRAIN-TRAIN, reverse anxious habits, and feel more motivated than you have in years

The 6 Week Program Package Includes

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Lifetime Access To The The 6 Module Course Pathway: the exact actionable steps to take to build lasting motivation through self respect, self esteem, and confidence.

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Follow Along Workbooks: Module by module.  Use them to organize and process your thoughts, hang on the fridge or wherever you need a reminder, and practice practice practice!  

Weekly Live Coaching: Six weeks of weekly access to Amanda LIVE via Zoom (and recorded for viewing at your convenience).  


Unlimited Email:  Two weeks of unlimited email correspondence directly with Amanda.  Replies within 24 hours during business hours

Pay in Full Bonus

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Digital Download: Get this tool explaining 30 different mindfulness and relaxation exercises plus an audio track of descriptions and several guided exercises.

Imagine YOUR Life...

  • Imagine feeling accomplished - like: "I had the most productive day ever"
  • Imagine comfortably socializing with people you don’t know very well
  • Imagine asking for a raise or a promotion or applying for your dream job
  • Imagine engaging in your hobbies again.  And loving them!
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This is my REALITY

  • I RE-ENGAGED with my hobbies one step at a time: volunteering, teaching, boarding my own horses, etc.  Now I LIVE on my hobby-farm where I ride horses and groom cows with my husband and small kids
  • Even though I had a pretty cush job (for my field at the time), I applied to a bigger, better, higher paying, and better aligned with my values position after just ONE YEAR in the old position.  AND I GOT THE JOB
  • I'm able to converse with anyone about anything (most of the time I don't even blush anymore) and I might WONDER what they think of me but I NEVER WORRY applying for your dream job
  • Fatigue is a part of life sometimes and nowadays I feel like I EARNED IT and rarely end the day regretting unfinished business.  YOU CAN DO IT TOO, I WILL SHOW YOU HOW

Nationally Certified

I'm board certified as a Nationally Certified Counselor


Telemental health

Telemental health provider certification as part of my virtual commitment to you



Don't wait for it, live your life and it will come to you.


How It Works

  • As soon as you sign up you have complete access to Module 1 and implementation tools. Modules 2-6 will be unlocked weekly based on when you started module 1.  


  • You'll have daily access to Amanda via the private Facebook Community where you can seek feedback, ask questions + be supported as you cross the finish line.


  • You’ll get module by module workbooks to help accelerate your growth, available on the course-site.


  • Shortly after you sign up you'll receive an email with all the details for the next Zoom call.


  • You'll also receive an email with the logistics for reaching Amanda via email.  As soon as you sign up you can start emailing me at

You Have Permission

To rewire your overthinking brain and deal with less kickback
To enhance and leverage your self worth

I'm giving you the pathway and supporting you along the way inside this program

What You Will Learn


Phase One:

Self Respect - Do it for you!

  • We'll cut right to the chase and reveal how our thoughts use self respect to self-sabotage.  Then, establish the method for self compassion.  


  • Get away from underlying other-esteem and people pleasing.


  • The saying 'you have to love yourself before you love others' has some merit.


Phase Two:

Brain Train - Fighting with a Double Edged Sword

  • I'll illustrate how your survival instincts have actively prevented you from making progress so far


  • I'll Show you how to work with those instincts instead of fight with them.


  • We have to be aware that something is not right in order to do anything about it.  We'll pinpoint it in this section.  


Phase Three:

Self Esteem and Lasting Motivation

  • Let your pride shine through after I show you how poor self esteem is really just a habit of looking in the wrong places for guidelines and criteria.


  • Going over the operational definition of 'motivation' - aka what is motivation really?


  • Step by step: how to bring motivation into focus using tools that you always have with you. 

You Are A Perfect Fit

  • If you are waiting to FEEL motivated before starting the rest of your life.  


  • Even if you are working with time restrictions, energy restrictions, mental health concerns, chronic pain, etc.  If you think lack of motivation is a barrier then this is for you!


  • If you feel like you've tried everything to no avail and are looking for that last thing to give your ALL to.  This is it!  


  • If being a diligent rule follower isn't paying off; you're paying the bills, building a career, seeking counseling, using self help resources, and "tools to get motivated" is in your google search history.   I  assure you that this is different than your previous results.  This is for you!

What's Included

6 Module Training Course: Create Perpetual Motivation ($4,999 value)

Step by Step Thought Mapping Workbook: To Help With Thought Processing and Comprehension, Gives You A Physical Reminder ($49 value)

Weekly Live Coaching (group): for 6 weeks, Via Zoom, Recordings Available ($499 value)

Unlimited Email Correspondence: for 2 weeks, replies within 24 hours during business hours ($149 value)

Total value of the Overcome Mind Blocks to Create Lasting Motivation Program:
$5,699.  See your investment below.

The All Inclusive Course Experience Includes


The Investment

Standard Package

6 Module Training Course
Step by Step Thought Mapping Workbook
Weekly Live Group Coaching (6 weeks)
Unlimited Email with Amanda (2 weeks)

Pay in Full Bonus: 30 Mindfulness Exercises Explained - Download

Pay in Full: $1,499 -or-
Three Monthly Paym
ents: $599

V.I.P. Package

Everything in the Standard Package

Six (6) Private Coaching Calls via Zoom with Amanda to Accelerate Your Success

Pay in Full: $2,249 -or-
Four Monthly Payments: $575

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does the course take to complete?

Each of the six modules has a video component that is about an hour long.  You can watch it all all at once or in pre-made topic mini videos about 10 minutes each.  To get the best results you would also spend 15 minutes on workbook pages and additional time practicing.  

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes!  There is a 3 month plan and a 6 month plan in addition to the pay in full option.  


What happens after I hit the
"enroll here" button?

You'll be taken to Thrivecart to checkout using your preferred method of payment.  Then you'll be immediately eligible to enter the course and join the FB group.  You'll have immediate access to module 1 and all supporting materials.  

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature and all the  support you’ll receive from me, refunds are not offered. If you feel there may be a reason you won’t see results, I would love to chat through them with you.

What are your credentials?

Great question!  I am licensed as a counselor in the state of Michigan.  I am a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) through NBCC.  I am a Telemental Health Provider - Associate (CTMH-A).  Additionally I am a Certified Human Animal Interaction Specialist (CHAIS) and a Path Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI).  

What if I have a chronic illness?  

Chronic illnesses from anxiety to insomnia to chronic pain all massively deplete motivation.  This course can help you in more ways than you know!  If you pace yourself (modules are pre-build for this) and build the skills and the self respect then you will be successful.  


I can't wait to help you reach new heights of lasting motivation by breaking out of the daily grind to live your best life: happy, fulfilled, determined.  

Life is yours for the taking, one moment at a time.  Live, love, learn, and enjoy!

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